Anyone can call themselves creators these days. Grab your phone, take a picture, BOOM, you just created an image file. Shot a video? Congratulations! You just directed your camera and produced this sequence! But wheres the craftsmanship in producing these images? What is the true value of directing? To us, is in communication and adult responsibility.
Each person is in power of their decisions. If anyone wants to take their clothes off in front of a camera, for money or for fun, they are responsible for that choice and all repercussions of those actions, so we will always encourage DGAF Stars to consider the outcomes. Images will be out there, there is an inter-net outside the moment that these images are being shot, so before stripping and hitting REC, let’s check what needs to be done first.

Within the Adult Content creative community theres a lot of different views on “the work culture”, mostly because people would argue more about porn itself rather than talk and share their creative and producing processes when making it. Since social media guidelines became the standard moral grounds on which certain contents are allowed for public free access and others just deserve to remain underground, the range of whats considered adult content has expanded infinitely. Some people may see a couple having deeply romantic sex and call that Pornography, when in reality, true legal hardcore pornography is a bit far from that. But if both are labeled the same way, should the authors practices be the same? How do you protect those in front of you cameras? How do you protect your content from being subjected to piracy? Or better yet, how do you protect yourself from the viciousness of those who are against you or your images? We have been asking all these questions around, and it all comes down to the same procedure: Contracts.
First, we can’t protect people from themselves. Everyone is entitled to regret decisions but that doesn’t change the agreements and consents given at the moment of engaging. This is why every job requires a contract. A physical evidence of an agreement. This article about enforcement of legal porn contracts will explain in detail how an adult production contract is valid in courts, among other documents and legal aspects of production in the western world.
At DGAF, Partners & Stars fill forms that serve legal purposes on what their intentions are on our Network. The DGAF Stars form is based on the official APAG (Adult Performers Actors Guild) Consent Checklist. You can check this here. We encourage DGAF Stars to check these links to make sure they ask DGAF Partners the right questions when it comes to the production of content. We also encourage DGAF Partners to carry their own Release & Disclosure contracts, and attach them to their DGAF Content Forms and on their GDrive DGAF Partners Production Documents shared folder.
It is crucial that our DGAF Partners & Stars are on the same page when it comes to make content for its DGAF distribution. All their monthly earnings goes directly to them. ALL CONTENTS EARNINGS are split between production and participants (DGAF Partners & Stars). So (we can’t stress this enough) COMMUNICATE, put your agreements written on paper, and have fun! Working together is the only way we can keep our spaces safe. Also, if you’re really interested on what the international agenda on Sex Work is, heres the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL POLICY ON STATE OBLIGATIONS TO RESPECT, PROTECT AND FULFIL THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF SEX WORKERS.