We want you to keep working on what you love. Passion will be always the best thing to bet on, because it will keep you moving forward no matter how many obstacles or how hard life becomes, passion will make you thrive, and that energy ALWAYS pays off. The challenges faced in this (making adult content) job are not only technological (as in playing by the Instagram rules), but also very social, mostly because it doesn’t matter where you are, theres always fanatics (either religious or political) that will report or smear your work.
After meeting with creatives of different genders, backgrounds and cultures, and constant check-ins with professionals and counsellors, DGAF HQ developed (and is continuously studying) the DGAF Forms, in order to JOIN our Partnership Program to promote, sell and cash off your content MONTHLY. If you want, you can click here to check out the DGAF Join page.

If your thoughts right now are “Wait, I don’t want to be in the adult industry. I just like taking nudes of myself” or “I’m not a producer! but boy am I surrounded by stimulated people lol”, maybe you don’t even know how inspiring you can be to others. You must consider yourself as an Image Artist, with an adult entertainment focus because thats where you’re at right now. Thats the position your life has positioned you at right now. You can live off this if you want to. Look at your work. Do I have to tell you it’s beautiful? Do you need anyone to tell you it is RAW ART? You know this. We know this. DGAF Network is a Marketplace/Platform for Adult Film/Cassette-Made Content producers and industry participants. Altho there are several legal grounds you should get familiar with for your own safety as image artists, we will focus this post on how does the DGAF Network works.
We expect our Partners to be verifiable professionals, so DGAF knows they will understand that our Publication Guidelines and the official DGAF Forms are our legal grounds and protection tools against any claims about the property of the contents. DGAF Partners are authors of their work. They must provide graphic evidence about the DGAF Stars payments on their productions. DGAF is no Big Tech company. We are a 4 people operation trying to bring a good time for the sake of pleasure. We are just a distributor-editorial network.
DGAF Partners & Stars must keep track of the finances of their productions If a DGAF Stars is compensated in other way off the websites accounting, or theres another kind of compensation for the participation of said DGAF Stars, then such DGAF Partner must provide original copies of written agreements, screenshots of conversations, deposit vouchers and/or videos of both parties agreeing on the authors property over the content and authority over it, even if the agreement is set to be a service exchange between the DGAF Partner production services & the participation of said DGAF Stars with no immediate compensation. Splitting the DGAF Monthly Payment is a very good alternative for solid teams working on the marketing of their contents published on DGAF World. Like, the point of the DGAF Content Form is to keep track of participants and production costs so DGAF can help provide a better working culture, When paying Partners, DGAF HQ will attach an operation with the data of the Total monthly Income of X content. This X content features 2 Stars, and the Partnership of said DGAF Partner has 2 participants in its data, DGAF HQ will recommend each gets 25% of that content. This would be our recommended practice so everyone works mano y mano. Partners behind cameras (from set to accounting), and Stars in front of cameras, working and promoting together it just absolutely fulfills the DGAF.world whole point. DGAF Stars can also take the DGAF Partnership program and direct and/or perform in DGAF Content. Anyone can apply and be a part of it as long as their productions meet the Publication Guidelines:
- It’s stupid to even say it but yes, everyone must be over 18 years old (or 21 depending on where are you).
- No gore. No scat. No zoo. No pointless violence. No dead people (dead inside is ok but not encouraged).
- Only analogue Photography (or in any non-digital format) and Videotaped explicit content.
- A/V modular data bending allowed and encouraged as an editorial choice
- Digital edits only allowed as Merch (Zines, Shirts, etc).
- Original Music scores unless Rights shared with Authors (documents on your DGAF Partner GDrive)
This is why, as soon as your application to partake into the DGAF Partnership Program is approved, you will get a link to fill the DGAF Content form. These forms are the only way of uploading your work. Once uploaded, the DGAF HQ will check it out and approve it (if it follows our guidelines and editorial) so it can be publicly and proudly released on DGAF.world
Remember to always have a thorough conversation about compensation and document what is being said, set, and agreed on, by all production participants. Make your (wet) dreams come true, but realistic, and most importantly, have fun!